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Kitchen Icons Cabinetry.png

Custom Cabinetry

from Interior to Outdoor Options - Kitchens, Baths, Living space

(By Appointment)

Unlimited wood and door-style options. Custom cabinets are made to order by our local cabinetry artisans with the expertise of our designers.

Our Process:

  • Discover your style and design inspiration

  • Meet with our designers to establish a computerized rendering based upon appliance choices.

  • Determine wood species, color, and other design elements.

  • Cabinets are built and installed to your specification.

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Contact Kitchen Icons to assist with your kitchen cabinet design and building project.

Appointments are required. Call 608-317-5700 or complete this FORM.

Hardware for Cabinetry

Unique cabinetry hardware

Kitchen Icons can provide the right hardware for your project.

 Call Kitchen Icons at 608-317-5700 for your custom-built cabinetry project. Available by appointment.