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Warm Up with Harvest of the Month Winter Squash Soup

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Butternut Squash Soup
Makes 7 servings (1 c. each)

2 T. Butter (or olive oil)
¾ c. Onion, chopped
¼ c. Red pepper, chopped
¼ c. Green pepper
2-14 oz. Cans chicken broth or vegetable broth
2 c. Cooked or baked squash or more (butternut, acorn, hubbard or other)
¼ c. Half & Half (or low-fat milk)
2 tsp. Cumin (or more)
1-1/2 tsp. Fresh minced garlic (or 1/2 t. granulated garlic)
¼ tsp. White pepper
1/8 tsp. hot pepper sauce

Brown onion, red and green pepper in the 2 Tbs. butter on medium heat, until soft and tender. Add stock and simmer slightly. Add squash, cut in bite size pieces and the cream. Heat only (do not boil). For a thicker soup, puree in blender or use an immersion blender.

Serve with slices of granny smith apple if you wish.

Hestan Cuinary Nanobond.jpg

Hestan Nanobond cookware was provided for this segment. The five quart essential pan was used for Squash Soup. More here